Friday, January 8, 2010

Bryntroll Update

Blizzard released a modification tonight to Bryntroll's proc, labeling it is a 'bug fix'.

We have found a bug with Bryntroll where it procs too often for Retribution paladins or Unholy DKs. For example both portions of Scourge Strike could cause a proc, which is unintended.

Bryntroll seems to account for about ~3-4% of dps for a typical Icecrown Fury warrior. That's more of where it should be for other melee.

Assuming they simply remove the ability for disease, Righteous Vengeance, Deep Wounds, and similar DoT refreshes or applications to proc the effect, this is a noticeable nerf to Unholy, Fury, Arms, and Ret, and a mild nerf to Blood.  Blood will lose 6 procable attacks per minute, Unholy will lose 12, and Ret, Arms, and Fury lose an amount dependent on their haste, crit, and skill at maximizing GCDs, though all 3 will likely lose 12 or more.

For those looking for numbers, this reduces the DPS / AEP for DKs down to 294.0 dps / 490.10 for Unholy and 340.0 dps / 565.93 for Blood at raid baseline (Windfury, Swift Retribution, zero haste rating).

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