Monday, November 2, 2009

Icecrown, Part 2

Now for the Valithria Dreamwalker fight.  When I first read of this fight, I thought it was an extremely cool concept.  Put the healers in the role of dps, put them in charge of the pace of the fight.  It sounded like an exceptionally innovative idea for an encounter.

Then I saw the video of it...and realized that the implementation they chose makes the entire fight essentially into a long drawn-out KT phase 1.  The raid still takes damage, though, so the healers are basically all on raid healing + a giant dragon, and the rest of the raid is just fighting off endless waves of undead until the healers get around to topping off said dragon.  Booooring.


Unknown said...

a cool idea would be that your actual DPS classes heal your raid (maybe like 5% of all raid dps converted into healing for everyone in the raid or something like that ( like blood presence but...the healing hits everyone in the raid)
that way the healers could do full on healing rotations like dps do, while the dps heals the raid.
oh and tanks could do stuff too...not sure what though

Unknown said...

oh and did you see? there's an achievement for doing it in under 31 minutes..
going to be quite long i think

Me said...

I think that achievement was a joke, actually...