Sunday, November 29, 2009


I just saw the new Worgen gameplay videos posted on MMO-Champion, and I have to say, I'm far from impressed.  While I understand that Gilneas is a human kingdom, the design and texturing are so blatantly similar to the ones currently in-game that one would almost think themselves in Darkshire if they didn't know better.  The castle in the distance is somewhat interesting, but otherwise the land is rather dull.

The model animations are the worst part, though.  The animation for transforming into a worgen was revealed at Blizzcon earlier this year, and it hasn't changed a bit, it's still over-the-top in terms of graphics and yet somehow still astoundingly so basic and crude.  The walking animation for the worgen is my largest complaint, though.  They look awkward and uncoordinated, something wolves and especially the werewolves of legend are most certainly not known for.  Despite having arms that hang down past their knees, they only go down on all fours as a random idle animation (and sadly this is really the only time they look cool).  Even when their racial sprint is popped, the only change in animation is a trailing white flag identical to the animation present on a rogue's Sprint.

The worgen present in Grizzly Hills have one of the single coolest-looking run animations in the game right now.  They get down on all fours and literally claw their way over the ground.  They seriously look neigh-unstoppable while barreling after you, and that's precisely the animation that the worgen player race should have had.  Standing bipedally is a fairly common piece of werewolf lore, but running on all fours is almost universal, and looks far better than a gorilla-proportioned creature swinging its strung-out forelimbs back and forth in a crude attempt to maintain balance.

On the whole, I can honestly say that at this point I'm frighteningly disappointed with the feature that I was most looking forward to out of Cataclysm.

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